As a specialist in the implementation and continuous improvement of Extended Producer Responsibility systems, (RE)SET supports eco-organizations in their strategic, operational and innovation challenges, in order to accelerate the circular economy of the products and sectors concerned.
Today, our model is under extreme pressure: depletion of our resources and biodiversity, global warming, increasing waste and pollution, etc. To meet these challenges, the implementation of a circular economy is key.
In this context, the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme is one of the solutions being developed in many sectors and geographies. The aim of EPR is to optimize product management through the payment of an ecocontribution (by the marketers of the products concerned), the amount of which is then paid to an eco-organization. The role of the eco-organization is then to collect and process the product to ensure its circularity (reuse, recycling, eco-design, etc.).
The expected benefits of such a system include:
- Reducing pollution linked to waste from products whose end-of-life is particularly problematic
- Organizing a waste collection and recycling system to create secondary material loops, thanks to a sustainable source of financing.
- The development of infrastructures essential to the implementation of a circular waste economy (sorting center, recycling plant, etc.), a source of local jobs that cannot be relocated.
- The development of a competitive raw materials market
- Improving product eco-design
But while EPR is a powerful tool, it's not a magic bullet. To unleash the full potential of an EPR system, it is therefore important to :
- Do the right thing at the right time. The introduction and deployment of EPR systems must be phased, in accordance with local conditions and the maturity of the ecosystem, to ensure the feasibility of the system.
- Adopting a rigorous approach to complexity. EPR systems are a complex mix of economics, industry, science, logistics and politics. Putting the pieces together requires a 360° view of the system, and the interaction of all stakeholders.
Lay solid foundations, right from the start of EPR, to ensure a sustainable system over the medium-to-long term. From policy to governance, from product perimeters to infrastructure sizing, consider that the rules you draw up will influence the whole country for decades to come.
(RE)SET supports eco-organizations and their members in transforming waste into resources and accelerating the eco-design of products.
(RE)SET supports eco-organizations and their members, from the prefiguration of a new EPR system to continuous improvement mechanisms that take product circularity even further.
Support for the prefiguration and implementation study of a new REP :
- Identification of problematic waste deposits and inventory of waste management in the area of interest.
- Definition of the scope of application for future EPR
- Definition of organizational scenarios for EPR and SWOT
- Macro cost modeling step by step
- Drawing up specifications
Drafting of strategic/prospective studies on circularity issues (sustainability, recyclability, investment strategy, etc.).
Development of a regional/national reuse scheme
Defining an eco-modulation strategy
Innovation programs
Operations support (eco-design, collection, sorting, traceability, stakeholder management)